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Gifted Corporation The Web Series - A Conspiracy Of Superpowers

Gifted Corporation is an ambitious, international,  transmedia web series reminiscent of the TV series Heroes.

The brainchild of director Rose of Dolls and writer-director Oliver Mend, the series (filmed primarily in English and set in America) follows the exploits of Hugo Silva (Asier Moreno).  

Hugo is a detective who is obsessed with uncovering mysteries and unraveling conspiracies.

While investigating the case of a serial killer, he joins forces with New York police detective Sean Thornton (Jaime Lopez). Together they discover an unbelievable conspiracy when they encounter individuals with very unique ... "gifts."

At the center of this mystery is the ominous Gifted Corporation,  a powerful entity with a covert agenda.

The first season of Gifted Corporation is comprised of seven episodes, with each installment serving to introduce a main character integral to the overall plot.

For example, during the first season you are introduced to a cast of players including:

  • an elusive thief who is far more than they seem

  • a talented athlete whose skills draw unwanted attention

  • a kidnapped young girl who surprises her captors with an inhuman ferocity

There is also an ancillary project called The Z Files, which features video blogs that complement and expand the main narrative.

I found the series to be completely engrossing. The producers have created a fully fleshed-out world populated with intriguing characters. 

The cinematography is also noteworthy. The series has a dark, gritty feel that lends itself well to the subject matter.

The  excellent visual effects are another highlight.

However the soundtrack and musical score is somewhat problematic.

While the songs used throughout are terrific, they tend to overpower the dialogue on a few occasions.

Fortunately, the majority of the episodes have the option to turn on captions. Still, it would be nice if the audio could be remixed to correct the issues with sound levels.

Despite this one quibble, Gifted Corporation is a very entertaining watch. 

Check out the official trailer below for a peak inside this fascinating universe ...

Gifted Corporation brings international flair to the story of people discovering they possess superpowers. 

I highly recommend checking out this unique, promising project.

UPDATE: The producers have stated the series has been remixed to address former issues with the audio quality.

You can watch the complete series online via Seeka TV:  Gifted Corporation on Seeka TV.

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