The Best Indie SFF Short Films & Web Series

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Sci-Fi Short Film Spotlight: 'Uncanny Valley' - Visit A Future Where Virtual Reality Is Dangerously Addictive

Uncanny Valley  is a sci-fi short film that presents a future where advanced technology has created a completely immersive virtual reality (VR) video game that is indistinguishable from the real world.

The short incorporates documentary-style testimonials from individuals who have become so addicted to the game, they have neglected their lives and abandoned all of their real world relationships.

Filmmaker Federico Heller has envisioned a dystopia  that feels uncomfortably prescient as addicts describe immersing themselves inside the VR game world  for days at a time.

The film's otherworldly VR environments are dazzling and captivating. The impressive visual effects convincingly convey the seductiveness of the fictional VR game.

Watch Uncanny Valley here ...

Due to its relevant  premise and timely subject matter,  this outstanding sci-fi short gets our highest recommendation.

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