Dirigible Days - An Adventure Where Steampunk Meets Lovecraft
Image Copyright Day 304 Productions.
Imagine an alternate universe where at the pinnacle of the Victorian age, debris from a nearby asteroid bombards the Earth. Millions perish, civilization crumbles, and humanity enters a second Dark Age. The Earth itself is transformed by a strange ore within the meteorites that creates new floating continents.
After almost a thousand years, man has rebuilt a sky-faring civilization complete with elegant air ships, pirates, global Empires, and arcane religions.
Welcome to Dirigible Days, an award-winning, wildly imaginative five-part steampunk web series. The brainchild of creator (and series star) James Bragado, the plot follows the exploits of the roguish crew of the S.S. Beatrix.
While seeking their next payday, the crew find themselves in conflict with the sinister leader of a crazed cult who worships the infernal god Cthulhu from H.P. Lovecraft mythos.
Dirigible Days was financed via Kickstarter for a modest amount even by independent standards. This makes the resulting product all the more impressive. The majority of the set, costume, and prop design are highly detailed - quite a feat given the budget the production had to work with.
Also, the opening credit narration is by Anthony Daniels, C-3PO of Star Wars fame!
I am still a newbie to the genre, but after seeing Dirigible Days, my interest is definitely piqued. I highly recommend this series for the passion, creativity, and imagination on display throughout.
Below is the first episode:
To watch the complete series, visit its channel on YouTube: Dirigible Days.
While there are no present plans to produce more episodes, the production is planning a comic book spin off. I think this will be a perfect way to expand the universe.
Support the project by visiting its official Kickstarter campaign, and lending your support:
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