Episode (143) In Search OF Tomorrow Director David Weiner Revisits

EYE ON SCI-FI Podcast cover art
Image of poster for In Search Of Tomorow documentary

Image credit: Creator VC. All rights reserved.

We’re b-a-a-a-c-k!

After a several month hiatus, the EYE ON SCI-FI podcast returns with a very special repeat guest!

In Search Of Tomorrow is the forthcoming, definitive documentary covering the sci-fi cinema of the decade of the 1980s. The writer and director of this remarkable documentary, David Weiner, returns to discuss what fans can expect to see in the documentary, the challenges the global pandemic posed to production, and why the 80s is such an influential decade of filmmaking.

Check out our first conversation with David Weiner here: In Search Of Tomorrow On EOSF Podcast https://www.the7thmatrix.com/eosfpodcast/2020/4/27/episode-98-80s-sci-fi-documentary-in-search-of-tomorrow

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Order In Search OF Tomorrow on DVD & Blu-Ray (Pre-order before March 27, 2022 to get your name included in the credits!) 80sSciFiDoc.Com https://80s-scifidoc.myshopify.com?aff=20

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Podcast Intro music: "I Succumb" by António Bizarro
