Episode (116) Film Historian And Author Joe Jordan
Author and film historian J.R. (Joe) Jordan
Author and film historian Joe Jordan joins host Rod Faulkner to discuss his latest book: Robert Wise: The Motion Pictures.
Joe shares fascinating insights regarding the influential director’s career, including how his skill and leadership guided Star Trek: The Motion Picture through a very troubled production to the big screen.
Joe’s book Robert Wise: The Motion Pictures is available via:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Robert-Wise-Motion-Pictures-Revised/dp/1629335363/
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/robert-wise-joe-jordan/1126256431
Powell’s Books: https://www.powells.com/book/robert-wise-9781629335360
Visit Joe’s official web site: http://wisecastle.net/about-me/
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Podcast Intro music: "I Succumb" by António Bizarro
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