Episode (78) Filmmaker Josh Tanner - Director Of Vietnam War Ghost Story WANDERING SOUL
Filmmaker Josh Tanner
Josh Tanner is an Australian-based filmmaker who has just released a chilling short film entitled Wandering Soul, a ghost story set during the Vietnam War and told from the perspective of the Viet Cong.
Josh shares fascinating details regarding the process of filming a Vietnam War-set ghost story in his native Australia, as well as the unique perspective of the short film.
Instagram Account of Josh Tanner: https://www.instagram.com/tannerofjosh
Wandering Soul - The 7th Matrix Spotlight: https://www.the7thmatrix.com/blog/2019/10/26/vietnam-war-horror-short-wandering-soul
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Podcast Intro/Outro music: "I Succumb" by António Bizarro
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