The Fate Of The World Rests In The Hands Of Mysterious Aliens In The Intriguing Web Series Pilot 'Star Thieves'
What if extraterrestrials were walking among us?
Disguised as human beings, they could be your doctor, teacher, attorney, or the stranger seated next to you on the train to work.
The idea of aliens possibly posing as us as we live our lives unaware has fueled the dreams and nightmares of many conspiracy theorists.
In the science fiction web series pilot Star Thieves, covert alien visitation is a tantalizing reality.
Star Thieves centers a young Catholic priest named Isaiah (Dennis Hill). Isaiah is new to the priesthood but is experiencing a crisis of faith. While seeking counsel from his mentor Father Jacob (Steve Maurice), the pair is tasked with performing an exorcism on a young member of a desperate family.
Dennis Hill as Isaiah/Kai. Image property of Dark Matter 86. All rights reserved.
As Isaiah confronts the "possessed" young woman, a startling secret is uncovered - both he and Father Jacob are revealed to be beings named Kai and Isi, two members of a clan of mysterious aliens.
The aliens have been living on earth for the past millennium judging humanity from the shadows. Needing the energy of stars to fuel their power and near-immortal lives, should they deem humanity unworthy, the sun - and consequently all life on earth - is doomed.
The result of a successful Kickstarter campaign, Star Thieves is remarkable in many ways. Chief among them is its inclusive representation both in front of and behind the camera.
Conceived by filmmakers of color, the pilot is also awash in color onscreen - both in its production design and casting. As fantastical as the world of Star Thieves is, it is immensely relatable because of the rich swath of humanity presented.
No whitewashing here folks.
The pilot wastes no time in introducing its core characters, including Isaiah/Kai portrayed by Dennis Hill (who is also a co-creator). Hill was also a significant presence in another exceptional SFF web series, The Record Keeper.
He is definitely leading man material. He brings an undeniable magnetism and complexity to the role of Isaiah/Kai.
Check out our EYE ON SCI-FI podcast conversation with STAR THIEVES co-creator and star, Dennis Hill!
Star Thieves Cast. Image property of Dark Matter 86. All rights reserved.
Hill heads a dynamic cast of charismatic, and yes attractive, actors who include:
Danette Wilson as Amiee, Kai's conflicted sister
JuneSoo Ham as Awan, Kai's compassionate sibling
Aris Juson as "The Star Eater," He is weary of humanity
Danielle Henderson as Xiomaya, A voice of reason among the clan
Roshan Maloney as Khan, He is the Yang to Kai's Yin
Steve Maurice as Father Jacob/Isi, Clan Patriarch & Elder Statesman
This cast capably imbues their alien characters with an ethereal quality that is mesmerizing to watch.
The overall production design is an achievement as well.
The pilot is painted with brilliant colors and textures. It also has a visual crispness that excites the eye and serves to draw you deeper into the narrative.
Speaking of narrative, Star Thieves accomplishes what successful pilots are designed to do; it introduces the world and characters in a dynamic way, and gives titillating hints as to the larger mythology, leaving you wanting more.
Watch the Star Thieves online pilot here…
With its inclusive representation, terrific production value, wonderful cast, and intriguing story, Star Thieves promises to take viewers on an exceptional sci-fi journey.
I hope it gets the chance. It deserves it, and so do we.
Make sure to check out our podcast Eye On Sci-Fi. Join host and The 7th Matrix founder Rod T. Faulkner as he spotlights terrific indie SFF short films and web series.
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